
terça-feira, fevereiro 03, 2009

Abertas candidaturas Memória Europeia Activa

Estão abertas as candidaturas ao abrigo do programa europeia MEMÓRIA EUROPEIA ACTIVA até 30-Abril-2009

Under this action, projects of the following types will be supported:
  • Projects linked to the preservation of the main sites and memorials associated with the mass deportations, the former concentration camps and other large-scale martyrdom and extermination sites of Nazism, as well as the archives documenting these events and for keeping alive the memory of the victims, as well as the memory of those who, under extreme conditions, rescued people from the Holocaust;
  • Projects linked to the commemoration of the victims of mass exterminations and mass deportations associated with Stalinism, as well as the preservation of the memorials and archives documenting these events. All proposals must comply with the provisions set out in the full Programme Guide "Europe for Citizens" 2007 -2013
"Europe for Citizens" Programme 2007 – 2013
Ver: Manual

1 comentário:

  1. Temos o dever de memória tanto para com as vítimas de genocídio como para com o salvadores como Aristides de Sousa Mendes.
    Isto é cada vez mais importante considerando a persistência da negação do holocausto e de outros genocídios.
    Duty of memory essential to overcome genocide denial
