sexta-feira, janeiro 25, 2008
Museu Virtual Aristides de Sousa Mendes

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Este blog pretende divulgar e homenagear o ACTO de CONSCIÊNCIA de Aristides de Sousa Mendes em Junho de 1940 em Bordeaux, ao salvar milhares de refugiados sob a ameaça imediata dos invasores e da Segunda Guerra Mundial. The mission of the blog amigosdesousamendes.blogspot.com is to celebrate, disseminate and honor the Act of Conscience of Aristides de Sousa Mendes, the Portuguese diplomat who saved thousands of refugees in June 1940 in Bordeaux. Dia da Consciência 17-Junho-2006
Aristides de Sousa Mendes
My family was saved by Aristides de Sousa Mendes
Sousa Mendes Foundation - USA
Papa Francisco: que a liberdade de consciência seja em toda parte respeitada O Papa recordou o “Dia da Consciência”, celebrado nesta quart...
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The Virtual Museum project was approved by the Instituto das Artes in 2004 as a public private partnerhsip with a team directed by architect Luisa Pacheco Marques with financing from the EU-funded program POS_Conhecimento.
According to the Instituto das Artes reports, the virtual Sousa Mendes museum project was to be developed during 2005 and 2006 covering various areas of research in order to produce audio-visual content and to make it available on the Internet.
The work includes historical research, documentation, oral histories and testimonies, and treatment of images to create a dedicated and interactive Internet site.
The first phase of research was the responsability fo the Social Science Institute (coordenator Prof. António Costa Pinto and 4 other researchers). The project had a budget of €336.000 in 2006.
Instituto das Artes, Relatório de Actividades 2005
Cerimónia de lançamento do Museu Virtual e "transferência de posse do espólio digital" na Assembleia da República a 19-Fev-08, 18h
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